The Tale of Two QE Developers: Sam vs Andy - Part II
A modern tale of two QE developers, Sam and Andy, highlights the stark contrast between sticking to outdated frameworks and embracing AI-driven automation. This is the second part of their journey and choices impact their careers.

Welcome back! In Part I, we followed the diverging paths of Sam and Andy as they navigated the changing tides of Quality Engineering. Sam, the steadfast Selenium developer, clung to his outdated framework, refusing to adapt to the new demands of the business. Meanwhile, Andy, his forward-thinking counterpart, embraced AI and automation, recognizing the strategic power of tools like Functionize to drive innovation and efficiency.
In this next chapter, we’ll continue to explore their journeys in a “Choose Your Own Adventure” style, where every decision shapes their destinies. Will Sam finally see the light, or will he double down on his old ways? Will Andy’s bold moves propel him to new heights, or will he face unexpected challenges? Let’s dive in and see how the choices they make define their futures in the ever-evolving world of QE!

Sam: The Stalwart of Selenium Frameworks
You are Sam, the legendary Selenium developer. You’ve been in the game for years, and your custom-built test framework is the pride of your company. It’s complex, it’s yours, and no one else truly understands it like you do. But lately, whispers are growing louder about the need to modernize. Management wants to explore AI-driven testing tools, and a certain upstart named Andy keeps talking about “strategic QE” and “innovation.” You scoff. You’ve seen trends come and go, but your code is forever.
Or is it?
Sam, What do you do?
- Option A: Double Down on the Framework
You decide that no matter what anyone says, your framework is here to stay. The company doesn’t need flashy AI tools; they need reliable, battle-tested Selenium scripts. You make it your mission to convince everyone that your way is still the best way.
- Option B: Explore the New Stuff (Reluctantly)
You’re skeptical, but you agree to attend a meeting with Andy and the execs about AI-driven testing. You figure you’ll hear what they have to say, point out the flaws, and remind them that the old ways still have value.
Sam, If you chose Option A: Double Down on the Framework
You stand your ground. You argue that your framework is reliable, proven, and perfectly suited to the company’s needs—at least, as long as those needs don’t change. Every time a new issue pops up, you patch it yourself, staying up late to keep the system alive.
Months pass, and the cracks start to show. The business is evolving faster than your framework can keep up. New product features need to be tested, and the release cycles are getting tighter. Your framework is buckling under the pressure, and you’re finding it harder and harder to maintain.
Management pulls you into a meeting.
- Option A: Blame the Business for Moving Too Fast
You tell the execs that the real problem is unrealistic timelines and ever-changing requirements. They need to slow down and let you do your job the way it’s meant to be done. - Option B: Offer to Add More Features to Your Framework
You assure them that your framework just needs a few updates to handle the new demands. More scripts, more patches—whatever it takes. You can fix this.
If you chose Option A: Blame the Business for Moving Too Fast
Your response is met with blank stares. The business isn’t slowing down for anyone, especially not for an outdated framework. The CTO reminds you that the competition is moving at lightning speed, and the company needs to adapt or fall behind. You leave the meeting frustrated, but certain they’ll see things your way eventually.
They don’t.
Soon, the CFO starts noticing how much it costs to maintain your custom setup. Complaints about slow testing cycles reach the CEO’s ears. The final straw comes when a major release is delayed because of a bug your framework missed. It’s clear to everyone but you: Sam’s way isn’t cutting it anymore.
You are reassigned to a support role, keeping your framework alive for legacy projects.
Your influence wanes, and you find yourself on the fringes of the company you once helped lead. Andy, meanwhile, is being heralded as the future of the QE department.
The End: Sam, the Forgotten Framework Keeper.
If you chose Option B: Offer to Add More Features to Your Framework
You work tirelessly, adding patch after patch, script after script. The framework grows more complex by the day, but it never quite works the way you promised. When it’s time for the big demo, the system crashes halfway through. Andy, who’s been piloting a new AI-driven tool, steps in and saves the day. The execs are impressed. They turn to you and ask why your solution can’t keep pace.
You have no good answer.
Andy’s approach is cheaper, faster, and adaptable. Your framework is starting to look like a relic. Slowly but surely, the company shifts its resources toward Andy’s strategic vision.
You’re demoted to maintaining legacy scripts.
The End: Sam, the Keeper of Yesterday’s Code.
If you chose Option B: Explore the New Stuff (Reluctantly)
You attend Andy’s presentation, arms crossed and skeptical. But as he talks, you begin to see the writing on the wall. The AI-driven test agents he’s championing are faster, more reliable, and capable of adapting to the evolving needs of the business. Still, your pride is on the line. When it’s your turn to speak, you point out the gaps, but Andy counters with a strategic plan that leaves little room for debate.
Management takes note.
They want you to work with Andy on a hybrid approach. This isn’t what you wanted, but you see an opportunity to stay relevant. Begrudgingly, you start integrating some of the new tech into your framework. It’s uncomfortable, but you’re learning, adapting—even if just a little.
Months pass, and the business starts thriving again.
Andy’s influence grows, but you’ve carved out a niche as the bridge between the old and the new. It’s not the heroic role you envisioned, but it beats being sidelined.
The End: Sam, the Reluctant Adaptor.
Moral of the Sam's Adventure:
In the world of QE, it’s adapt or fade away. Sam’s stubbornness cost him his place at the strategic table, but there were moments when the door to a new path was open—if only he had the courage to step through. Meanwhile, Andy’s willingness to embrace change and think strategically paved his way to the top. The future belongs to those who aren’t afraid to rewrite the rules—and the code.

Andy: The Visionary of AI Automation
You are Andy, a Quality Engineering prodigy with an eye for the future. While your colleagues cling to their outdated frameworks, you see a world of potential in AI and automation. You’re not just a developer; you’re a strategist. To you, QE isn’t just about catching bugs; it’s about driving innovation and helping the company stay ahead of the competition. Your sights are set on big things, but first, you have to convince the powers that be that QE is more than a cost center—it’s a game changer.
Today, you’re presenting your vision for AI-driven automation to the execs. Sam, the old guard of Selenium, is in the room, arms crossed, ready to poke holes in your plan. But you’ve got data, a demo, and a plan to revolutionize the company’s approach to testing. The question is, how do you play it?
Andy, What do you do?
- Option A: Go All In on AI and Automation
You decide to go all in, presenting a bold, uncompromising vision that positions traditional frameworks as relics of the past. It’s time to cut ties with the old and fully embrace the new. - Option B: Pitch a Collaborative Future
You know Sam isn’t ready to let go of his framework, so you pitch a collaborative approach—integrating AI tools into the existing setup. It’s not the revolution you envisioned, but it’s a step forward.
If you chose Option A: Go All In on AI and Automation
You take the stage with confidence, showcasing a live demo of your AI-driven test agents. You highlight how they can slash testing time, improve accuracy, and free up resources for more strategic work. You don’t mince words: traditional frameworks like Sam’s are holding the company back. The execs are impressed, but Sam’s face turns redder with every slide.
Sam stands up to respond.
He argues that his framework has been the backbone of QA for years and dismisses AI as just another fad. But you’re ready. You counter with hard numbers—metrics that show the staggering maintenance costs of Sam’s framework versus the efficiency of your approach.
The room goes silent. The decision is clear.
The CTO greenlights a pilot project to test your AI solution on a high-priority release. You deliver ahead of schedule, and the execs see the future you’ve been promising. Sam’s framework is sidelined, and he’s reassigned to maintain legacy code. Meanwhile, your AI-driven approach becomes the new standard.
Months later, you’re promoted to Head of QA Strategy. Your influence only grows from there.
The End: Andy, the Vanguard of Modern QE.
If you chose Option B: Pitch a Collaborative Future
You know the road to change can’t be walked alone. You present your AI-driven tools as a complement to Sam’s framework, highlighting how they can work together to create a more flexible, adaptable QE process. You emphasize that this isn’t about replacing the old but enhancing it—making the most of both worlds.
The execs nod, but Sam still looks unconvinced.
Sam is skeptical but agrees to a joint pilot. You work side by side, integrating your tools with his framework. There are bumps along the way, and Sam is quick to point them out. But as the project progresses, the value of your approach becomes undeniable. The AI tools catch issues Sam’s framework would have missed, and your hybrid strategy speeds up the release process.
Management is impressed, and both you and Sam receive praise for the successful integration.
Sam keeps his framework, but it’s no longer the centerpiece. You’ve positioned yourself as the bridge between tradition and innovation, and your reputation as a strategic thinker grows. Soon, you’re invited to lead a task force on the future of QE, and your input shapes the company’s roadmap.
The End: Andy, the Diplomat of Change.
If you chose Option A: Take a Direct Approach
You pull Sam aside after the meeting and tell him straight up: the company is moving forward, and if he doesn’t get on board, he’ll be left behind. It’s a bold move, but you want him to see that it’s not personal—it’s business. Sam bristles at first, but you point out the opportunities that await those willing to adapt.
Sam is resistant but reluctantly agrees to work with you.
The collaboration isn’t smooth—Sam’s old habits die hard. But as your AI-driven tools continue to deliver results, even Sam starts to see the writing on the wall. Your partnership is rocky but productive, and eventually, Sam admits that your way isn’t just a trend—it’s the future.
You’re soon promoted to Head of Automation Strategy, and Sam? He becomes your biggest supporter.
The End: Andy, the Unifier of Old and New.
If you chose Option B: Engage Sam as a Mentor
You decide to take a different approach. Sam has been at the company for years, and while his methods are outdated, his experience is invaluable. You engage him as a mentor, asking for his input on integrating AI into existing processes. You make it clear that his legacy isn’t being replaced—it’s being built upon.
Sam is flattered, but cautious.
Together, you begin to merge the best of both worlds. Sam’s insights help you refine your approach, and your AI tools bring new life to his old framework. As the company sees the success of your collaboration, they start viewing you both as pioneers of a new QE strategy.
Months later, you’re leading the QE team with Sam as your advisor.
The execs are thrilled with the results, and Sam’s legacy is secure—but it’s your vision that drives the company forward.
The End: Andy, the Strategic Innovator.
Moral of Andy's Adventure:
Andy’s story is a testament to the power of vision, adaptability, and strategic thinking. While Sam clung to the past, Andy’s willingness to engage, innovate, and collaborate paved the way to the top. In the end, the future of QE isn’t just about the tools you use—it’s about how you use them to drive the company forward.