Lessons from the NFL Playbook: Winning at CX!

As we gear up for another season of both football and business, let’s remember: success on the field and in the office comes from a combination of smart strategy, disciplined execution, and a relentless focus on the customer—our most important fan.

As we gear up for another season of both football and business, let’s remember: success on the field and in the office comes from a combination of smart strategy, disciplined execution, and a relentless focus on the customer—our most important fan.

September 1, 2024
Dennis Ashby

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As we gear up for another season of both football and business, let’s remember: success on the field and in the office comes from a combination of smart strategy, disciplined execution, and a relentless focus on the customer—our most important fan.

I love the fall—the weather cools off, the colors of the earth are vibrant, and FOOTBALL is back!  As I look forward to the upcoming NFL season and face the new challenges of my role leading Customer Experience (CX) at Functionize , a rapidly growing start-up, I can’t help but draw the parallels between the game on the field and the game we play every day in our business. Just like in football, a winning CX strategy isn’t just about individual talent—it’s about data-driven plays, meticulous preparation, and the right technology to bring it all together.

Here’s how I envision leading our top-tier CX team at Functionize, much like coaching a championship-caliber NFL team, where every decision counts and every play impacts the final score. This is where I see us heading and how I want us to play.

1. Data is Our Game Tape and Scouting Report

In football, coaches spend hours reviewing game tape, analyzing every play to find patterns, exploit weaknesses, and build a winning strategy. At Functionize, this is our goal for how we use data—turning it into our game tape that shows us what’s working and where we need to adjust.

Our customer data should provide insights into behavior, pain points, and satisfaction levels, acting like a scouting report that reveals not just how well our team is performing but also how to anticipate and respond to our customer’s next move. If we can see where customers get stuck, it’s like spotting a defensive formation we can exploit with a new play.

Just as successful teams use data to perfect their strategies, my aspiration is for us to leverage data more deeply at Functionize, fine-tuning our processes so every customer interaction feels smooth, intentional, and effective.

2. Technology is Our Training Equipment and Play Execution Tool

The best NFL teams invest in high-tech training equipment to keep their players in peak condition and execute their plays flawlessly. For CX at Functionize, I see our technology—like automation systems, analytics software, and Customer Success Platforms—as our training grounds and execution engines.

For us, ChurnZero , our Customer Success Platform, is like our play-calling headset, connecting our coaches to players and ensuring everyone knows their role and stays aligned. It tracks every customer interaction, automates follow-ups, and provides insights into customer health, much like a headset providing our quarterback with critical play calls during the game.

Our automation tools can handle routine tasks, like basic inquiries or ticket routing, freeing up our team to focus on complex challenges—much like having a machine that can handle the basics so our athletes can work on their advanced skills.

Our analytics software should help us track every movement, much like wearable tech that monitors an athlete’s performance. It will allow us to react quickly, measure success, and ensure every customer touchpoint is as precise as a perfectly executed pass. This is the level of precision I want us to reach.

3. Processes are Our Playbook and Game Strategy

Every great team has a playbook—a collection of carefully crafted strategies designed to win. At Functionize, I’m committed to building our playbook with processes and best practices that guide every customer interaction, from onboarding to support.

Our Standard Operating Procedures should be our set plays—the go-to strategies that ensure consistency. Whether it’s handling a return, managing a complaint, or onboarding a new client, these processes will keep everyone on the same page, much like a team that knows exactly which play to run in any situation.

But just like in football, in-game adjustments are crucial. If something isn’t working, we need to pivot, call an audible, and adjust the strategy on the fly. My goal is for our CX team at Functionize to be adaptable and responsive, delivering an outstanding experience even when things don’t go according to plan.

4. Customer Success is Our Quarterback

In football, the quarterback is the leader on the field—the playmaker who reads the defense, calls the plays, and makes quick decisions under pressure. At Functionize, our Customer Success team is our quarterback. They are the main point of contact, guiding the customer through every step, anticipating needs, and ensuring that every play (interaction) runs smoothly.

Customer Success will be responsible for aligning the entire team, much like a quarterback aligns the offense. They’ll call the audibles, make adjustments on the fly, and make the critical decisions that determine whether our customers have a winning experience. My goal is for Customer Success to excel in reading customer signals and finding the best path forward to deliver value.

5. Customer Support is Our Defensive Linemen

In football, the defensive linemen are the front-line protectors who hold the line, stop the opposition, and set the tone for the defense. At Functionize, our Customer Support team plays this critical role. They’re the first responders—the ones who jump into action to tackle customer issues head-on, resolve problems quickly, and keep our offense (customer experience) moving forward.

Just like linemen who block and tackle to protect the team, our Customer Support team shields our customers from frustration, swiftly handling issues before they escalate. They’re resilient, reliable, and always in the trenches, doing the hard work that often goes unnoticed but is crucial for overall success.

6. Professional Services are Our Special Teams

In football, special teams are often the unsung heroes—those players who handle the high-stakes, make-or-break moments like punts, kickoffs, and field goals. Similarly, Professional Services are our special teams at Functionize. They step in during the critical moments, handling complex customer implementations, custom solutions, and escalated issues that require expert precision.

Special teams can turn the tide of a game with a perfectly timed play, and Professional Services do the same by providing the specialized skills and in-depth knowledge that elevate the overall customer experience. Whether it’s customizing a solution to fit unique customer needs or stepping up to resolve a critical issue, they’re the clutch players who make the difference when it matters most.

7. Metrics are Our Scoreboard, Player Stats, and Season Record

In football, the scoreboard and player stats tell you exactly how you’re performing. Similarly, at Functionize, metrics will be our way of keeping score. They provide a clear, objective view of where we stand and what needs improvement.'

  • Customer Satisfaction Scores (CSAT): These will be like our win-loss record, showing how often our interactions lead to happy customers.
  • Net Promoter Score (NPS): NPS will be our fan engagement metric, measuring whether our customers are cheering for us and spreading the word or quietly switching to the competition.
  • Response and Resolution Times: Just as a player’s reaction time can change the outcome of a game, fast and efficient customer response times can be the difference between a delighted customer and a lost one.
  • Churn Rate: High churn is like losing key players in the offseason. It’s a signal that something’s off and we need to double down on retention strategies.

Winning Championships with Customer Experience

Ultimately, leading a CX team is about more than just playing the game—it’s about playing to win, just like an NFL team striving for the Super Bowl. At Functionize, my goal is to master the science of Customer Experience, crafting memorable, championship-level interactions that keep our customers cheering us on, game after game.

As we gear up for another season of both football and business, let’s remember: success on the field and in the office comes from a combination of smart strategy, disciplined execution, and a relentless focus on the customer—our most important fan.

Let’s get ready to play! 🏈

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