The 5 Most Common Issues in Software QA that Annoy Testers
A look at some of the most common frustrations, dislikes and challenges faced in QA by software testers, and solutions to ease such difficulties.

The field of software testing is complex and dynamic. Like in any job, there are aspects of QA that testers may find particularly challenging or not enjoy as much. In this post, we'll take a look at some of the parts of the software testing job that testers dislike the most and explore solutions and mitigating measures that could ease their experience.
1. Repetitive tasks
One of the most common complaints among testers is that their job can be repetitive. This is especially true for manual testing, where testers have to perform the same set of steps over and over again to ensure that the software works correctly. This repetition can lead to boredom and a lack of motivation. A monotonous work environment runs the risk of testers overlooking defects - an outcome that no QA team wants.
Testers aren’t just testing – they identify product gaps, participate in code reviews, review pull requests, fix bugs in-sprint, and are key to building better quality practices.
To make the job less tedious, testers can use automation tools to perform repetitive tasks such as regression testing. Automating repetitive tests can save a significant amount of time and effort, allowing testers to focus on more complex and interesting tasks. Additionally, if feasible, rotating tasks and responsibilities among team members can make the job less monotonous.
2. Lack of clear requirements:
Another challenge that testers face is a lack of clear requirements. If the requirements for a software system are not well-defined, it can be difficult for testers to know exactly what they are supposed to be testing. This can lead to confusion and frustration, not the least of which would revolve around not meeting expectations. Moreover, unclear requirements are known to drive costs. The cost of identifying and correcting defects goes up the further along they are in the software development cycle.
To mitigate this issue, testers can work closely with developers and other stakeholders to ensure that requirements are clearly defined. This could involve collaborating on user stories, participating in requirements review meetings, or using tools like Gherkin to create a shared understanding of what needs to be tested. It's also important for testers to communicate their testing needs and concerns early on, as this allows them to have more influence on requirements definition.
3. Constant change
Software development is an iterative process, and requirements often change as the development of a project progresses. Modern applications aim to deliver better and better products to the end user, which translates to developers and testers being required to constantly iterate and deliver numerous incremental improvements to the product. This constant change can make it difficult for testers to keep up, as they have to adjust their testing plans and strategies on a regular basis.
To deal with constant changes, testers can use agile methodologies that embrace change, such as Scrum, Kanban or XP. These methodologies allow for testing to be integrated into the development process, enabling teams to respond to change quickly and efficiently. Additionally, testers can use techniques such as Exploratory Testing, which is a way of testing that doesn't require detailed test cases and allows for more flexibility when dealing with changing requirements.
4. Limited time for testing
Often, the testing phase of a project is constrained by tight deadlines. This means that testers may not have as much time as they would like to thoroughly test a system. This can lead to a feeling of rush and pressure.
To make the best use of limited time, testers can prioritize their testing efforts based on risk and impact. They should focus on testing the most critical and high-risk areas of the system first, as these are most likely to cause problems. Additionally, testers can use techniques such as Test-Driven Development or Behavior-Driven Development, which enables them to write test cases before writing code. This helps to minimize the time required for testing and maximize the quality of the code.
5. Lack of recognition
Despite the important role that testers play in ensuring the quality of a software system, their work is often underappreciated. This lack of recognition can be frustrating for testers and can make it hard for them to stay motivated. Testers want to feel like they are part of something bigger.
Managers must make a point of recognizing their specialized skills, rewarding their contributions and giving them the right tools do their job well. They could set up a formal recognition program, or simply make sure that testers are regularly acknowledged for their hard work and dedication. Additionally, providing opportunities for career development, training, and learning new skills can help keep testers motivated and engaged. It's also important for managers to communicate the value and importance of testing to the wider organization, helping to raise awareness and build appreciation for the role of testers.
It's worth noting that while these are some common complaints among testers, different people may have different opinions on what they dislike most about the job. Moreover, software testing is also a continuously evolving field, with new tools and methodologies emerging that might help alleviate some of these concerns.
The new role of QA is seen as an organization-wide gatekeeper for quality. Companies that embrace their QA team’s wider skills kickstart a process of quality transformation and take full advantage of the opportunities, knowledge and experience that their test teams have to offer. Empowering testers with a toolstack such as Functionize, which allows them to redirect energy from low-cognitive input tasks to more creative high-level work, will help them engage across multiple organizational levels in quality transformation and reach their full potential. Book a demo of our intelligent software testing platform to learn more about how your testers can leverage machine learning and AI for the best QA results.